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solar energy generation

Solar energy, generally refers to the radiant energy of sunlight, is generally used for power generation in modern times. Since the formation of the earth, organisms have mainly survived on the heat and light provided by the sun, and since ancient times, humans have also known how to use the sun to dry objects and use it as a way to preserve food, such as making salt and drying salted fish. However, with the reduction of fossil fuels, there is an intention to further develop solar energy. The utilization of solar energy includes passive utilization (photothermal conversion) and photoelectric conversion. Solar power is an emerging renewable energy source. Solar energy in a broad sense is the source of many energy on earth, such as wind energy, chemical energy, potential energy of water, and so on. In billions of years, solar energy will be an inexhaustible and ideal energy source.

development approach

Photothermal utilization

Its basic principle is to collect solar radiation energy and convert it into heat energy through interaction with matter. At present, the most used solar collectors mainly include flat plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors, ceramic solar collectors and focusing collectors. Usually, solar thermal utilization is divided into low temperature utilization (<200℃), medium temperature utilization (200~800℃) and high temperature utilization (>800℃) according to the different temperatures and uses that can be achieved. At present, low-temperature utilization mainly includes solar water heaters, solar dryers, solar stills, solar houses, solar greenhouses, solar air-conditioning refrigeration systems, etc., medium-temperature utilization mainly includes solar cookers, solar thermal power concentrating heat collection devices, etc., high-temperature utilization mainly includes high temperature Solar furnace etc.

solar energy generation

The large-scale utilization of solar energy in the future of Qingli New Energy is to generate electricity. There are many ways to use solar power to generate electricity. At present, there are mainly the following two types.

(1) Light-heat-electricity conversion. That is, the use of heat generated by solar radiation to generate electricity. Generally, solar collectors are used to convert the absorbed thermal energy into steam of the working medium, and then the steam drives the gas turbine to drive the generator to generate electricity. The former process is light-thermal conversion, and the latter process is thermal-electrical conversion.

(2) Optical-electrical conversion. Its basic principle is to use the photovoltaic effect to directly convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy, and its basic device is a solar cell.

solar panel material

Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, the transmittance does not decrease. The components made of tempered glass can withstand the impact of a 25mm diameter ice ball at a speed of 23 meters per second.

photochemical utilization

This is a photo-chemical conversion method that utilizes solar radiation to directly split water to produce hydrogen. It includes photosynthesis, photoelectrochemical action, photosensitive chemical action and photolysis reaction.

Photochemical conversion is the process of converting into chemical energy due to the absorption of light radiation resulting in a chemical reaction. Its basic forms include photosynthesis of plants and photochemical reactions that utilize chemical changes in substances to store solar energy.

Plants rely on chlorophyll to convert light energy into chemical energy to achieve their own growth and reproduction. If the mystery of photochemical conversion can be revealed, artificial chlorophyll can be used to generate electricity. At present, solar photochemical conversion is being actively explored and researched.


The process of converting solar energy into biomass is accomplished through photosynthesis in plants. At present, there are mainly fast-growing plants (such as fuel forest), oil crops and giant seaweed.

Scope of application

Solar power generation is widely used in solar street lamps, solar insecticidal lamps, solar portable systems, solar mobile power supplies, solar application products, communication power supplies, solar lamps, solar buildings and other fields.

Post time: May-13-2023